Foods to Nourish our Gut


Around two thirds of our immune system live in our gut. It is responsible for the production of 24 hormones which impact our appetite, emotions, mood and the overall choices we make.

Poor gut health is linked to many health issues and some recent studies have even shown it can impact children’s behaviour, anxiety, autism and even hyperactivity.

Nourishing our family’s gut doesn’t need to be overly complicated. Introducing some common foods each day can go a long way.


Zinc is a crucial mineral for the healthy digestion of our food.

  • Red meat

  • Oysters

  • Mushrooms

  • Beans

  • Whole-grains


Bitter foods are another beneficial source that promote healthy digestion. They support the break down of food, absorption of nutrients and the elimination of waste.

  • Rocket

  • Radicchio

  • Watercress

  • Endive

High Fibre Foods

Without fibre our gut is basically doomed. It feeds our healthy gut bacteria and promotes healthy bowel movement. It reduces the time that waste spends inside the intestines which means less toxins in our body.

  • Bean

  • Lentils

  • Chickpeas

  • Pears

  • Banana

  • Avocado

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods have an increased nutritional value and are generally full of probiotics. The fermenting process of foods can increase Omega 3 fatty acids, B vitamins and digestive enzymes, which all improve and support the absorption of nutrients in the body as well as digestibility. They also support the good living bacteria in our gut and help defend against the bad.

  • Natural Greek yoghurt

  • Sauerkraut

  • Kimchi

  • Tempeh

  • Kefir

  • Apple cider vinegar

Bone Broth

Bone broth is like liquid gold for our gut! It has been used for centuries for its healing benefits. It is one of the most beneficial ways to repair and improve our gut health. It is full of amino acids, minerals, gelatin, collagen and more.

Chicken Stock/Soup

Poultry like chicken is full of protein, vitamins and minerals. When used to make soup it releases an abundance of healing properties that are incredible for our gut health. When our gut health has been compromised chicken soup is a great option.

One thing that is important to mention is ‘VARIETY’! I use this word A LOT when it comes to family nutrition and gut health. Eating a variety of whole-foods every week is key to good health. It is the best way to ensure our bodies our getting all the nutrients we need.

Try to focus on introducing a new vegetable/fruit every week. Think about different flavours, textures, colours etc. Exposing our children to variety also contributes to a healthy relationship with food. They are not always going to eat what you offer and that’s totally normal but keep trying (it will pay off).

For more information on our children’s relationship with food and some handy tip’s for ‘fussy eaters’, make sure you read ‘Raising Intuitive Eaters’ in the Journal tab.


Mastering your Mind-Body Connection